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LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control

LD-3616 оптовая высококачественная батарея 12 В солнечный аккумуляторный вентилятор со светодиодной подсветкой и пультом дистанционного управления

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LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control manufacture

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control manufacture

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details






Встроенная свинцово-кислотная аккумуляторная батарея 12 В, 4,5 Ач (1400 г)


Работает от переменного/постоянного тока




Переменный ток 100-240 В


50-60 Гц

Рабочее время

3.5 часов / Высокая скорость

 8 часов/ Низкая скорость

Время зарядки

8-10часов полной зарядки

Индикатор заряда



*С дистанционным управлением.
* Автоматическое загорание при отключении питания.
* Высоту можно регулировать.


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