सभी श्रेणियाँ
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control

LD-3616 थोक उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले 12V बैटरी सौर रिचार्जेबल प्रशंसक एलईडी लाइट सौर पैनल और रिमोट कंट्रोल के साथ

(1) एलईडी बल्बों के लिए 12 वी आउटपुट

(2)एसी पावर से चार्ज करना

(3)सौर पैनल के साथ चार्ज करना

(4)रिमोट कंट्रोल

(5) 5V आउटपुट चार्ज मोबाइल फोन

  • विहंगावलोकन
  • प्राचल
  • पूछताछ
  • संबंधित उत्पादों
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control
LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control manufacture

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control manufacture

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control supplier

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control factory

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

LD-3616 wholesale high quality 12V battery solar rechargeable fan with led light solar panel and Remote Control details

को गढ़ना





बिल्ट-इन 12V 4.5Ah(1400G) लीड-एसिड रिचार्जेबल बैटरी


एसी/डीसी संचालित


रात की रोशनी


एसी 100-240V


50-60 हर्ट्ज

काम का समय

3.5 घंटे/उच्च गति

 8 घंटे/कम गति

प्रभारी समय

8-10घंटे पूरा चार्ज

चार्ज सूचक



* रिमोट कंट्रोल के साथ।
* बिजली की विफलता होने पर स्वचालित प्रकाश।
* ऊंचाई समायोजित किया जा सकता है।

संपर्क में रहो

अनुशंसित उत्पाद

संबंधित खोज